Our Sustainability Commitment

As a hotel, we are always looking for ways to become more sustainable, care for our environment and give something back to our local community. Our owners see themselves as custodians of Ye Olde Bell, lovingly and sympathetically restoring the building for future generations to enjoy.

This commitment to sustainable development extends to Ye Olde Bell’s environmental policy; to tread lightly wherever we can. Here are some of the ways we try to become a more sustainable business:

The Hotel

  • Our bio mass boiler is carbon neutral, using wood pellets to heat our buildings rather than oil or gas. Wood fuel is thought to be carbon neutral as the trees absorb carbon dioxide while they are grown, offsetting the gas produced during combustion.
  • All heating is thermostatically controlled by individual room meaning our team or guests can turn down the heating if a room is not in use, for example. Turning down your heating by just a couple of degrees can save 2% of energy used.
  • LED lighting throughout the hotel is the most energy efficient lighting we can use. The electricity used over the lifetime of a single incandescent bulb costs five to 10 times the original purchase price of the bulb itself.
  • We encourage all guests to leave out towels for washing only when really needed.
  • All our bathroom products are contained in 100% biodegradable containers and none contain microbeads.
  • As a business we try and recycle as much as we can. All our paper, cardboard, glass and plastics are recycled.
  • We rag old linen to use for cleaning.
  • We use reclaimed and natural building materials where possible across all properties.
  • We use antique furnishings and upcycle furniture where possible to give the furniture a second life.

The Restaurant

  • Food waste like domestic households is an issue in our sector and we ensure all generated at the hotel is recycled into compost through anaerobic digestion. The process uses microorganisms to break down food waste inside an enclosed system. This gives off methane, which is collected and converted into biogas and used to generate electricity, heat or transport fuels. It also creates a nutrient-rich digestate that can be used as a fertiliser for agriculture and land.
  • Additionally, we recycle all cooking oil and garden waste.
  • We purchase fish that is approved by the Marine Conservation Society.
  • We strongly support the English Wine industry, championing wines and vineyards that are local to our hotel.
  • Wherever possible we only use local food and drink suppliers within a 25 mile radius of the hotel, reducing food miles and packaging.
  • We have removed all plastic from our bars and restaurant including stirrers, straws and picks.

Local Community

  • We run an Apprenticeship Scheme to help young people get into hospitality and develop into the chefs and hoteliers of the future. The apprenticeship programme provides chefs with accredited training which enables them to develop the knowledge and skills required to become top chefs of the future.
  • We support local charities including: Bassetlaw Hospice, Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice, HOPE (a local homeless charity), Notts and Lincs air ambulance
Relax, Unwind & Recharge

Spa & Stay

Available from £130 per person (available by phone only 01777705121) or click here for our online spa and stay packages.